Why arriba

Why Arriba
We created Arriba! as a way to explore Colombia on our bikes. We believe there’s something beautiful about physical challenges. We love to hear that a tour with us is the farthest somebody has ever gone, or the highest that they have ever climbed. We love that expression of discomfort when a friend is doing a climb harder than expected, the pain they go through, not because we want to see them suffering, but because we know that something beautiful might be germinating inside. We love being right there, in that moment, cheering and encouraging, bringing them up (muy Arriba!) to let them know that we have their backs, that we will be their support if needed. All will be fine.
We chuckle and laugh in these situations, because we know that smiling is the best way to face the challenges as it eases off the pain. It’s all temporary. These intense moments are limited, they remind us we are alive, and make a joyful well lived life. Thus, we must actively search for them.
It’s not really about the destination. Conquering a peak or summiting a climb is the byproduct, the real treasure we search for is the spirit, the I-don’t-care-I’m going-to give my all to do it kind of attitude, the little punk inside us full of raw endless energy. We also understand that although we want to keep our inner child alive, there are some perks of aging we embrace and love, like a great destination and nice shared meal by the end. So by the end we have reconciled both parts of our personality that’s our goal.
We want to be a catalyzer in people’s lives. We want to be the good devil in your shoulder telling you that we are all capable, not only to ride a bike higher or farther, but to live life broadly, way up (muy Arriba!)
Aim High, we got your back.